6th International Schools Cricket Tournament 2016
Member of I.C.C.-Europe
26 Kosta Georgaki Str – 49100 Corfu/Greece
Tel/Fax.: +30 2661036560, e -mail:
20-25 APRIL 2015
Hellenic Cricket Federation (H.C.F.) invites 16 school groups or teams from across the globe to participate to the 6th INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS CRICKET TOURNAMENT 2016. The tournament will be held in Corfu/Greece on 09 – 14/05.
H.C.F. offers for free for 18 persons (15 student & 3 officials) per school or team:
- 7 nights accommodation at Messonghi Beach Hotel (in dbl/twin or triple rooms with private facilities).
- Breakfast and dinner at the hotel daily.
- Transfers Airport (Port) – Hotel – Airport (Port).
- Transfers from the Hotel to the Venues and return.
- Transfers for the opening ceremony and return.
- Gala Dinner at the prize giving ceremony on Saturday evening.
TOURNAMENT ENTRY: 150 euros per person
To secure your place in the Tournament a deposit of 500 euros per school/team is required. As per every year we will run a strict “first come first served” policy. Schools or teams who wish to participate to the Tournament must submit the application form completed and make the deposit no later than 31/01/2016.
Format: T20 Tournament. One innings per side, each innings limited to a maximum of 20 overs.
Players date of birth: All students/players must have been born from 1/1/1999 – 31/12/2002. Dates will be checked by the Tournament Referee at the Managers and Umpires meeting which will be held before the start of the tournament. Exceptionally at the tournament will be able to participate up to three (3) younger players. The teams who wish to use younger players must submit to the Hellenic Cricket Federation the Special Dispensation – Underage application form signed by the guardian of the player at least two (2) months before the start of the Tournament.
Tournament venues: Three grounds will be used for the Tournament. One is the Marina cricket ground which is 25km away from the hotel. The second is the Espianada square ground which is situated at Corfu town and 20km from the hotel. The third ground is situated in the hotel and is walking distance from the accommodation. All grounds have artificial pitches. All teams will play in all grounds.
Cricket balls: Red balls will be used for the tournament. All balls will be provided by the Hellenic Cricket Federation.
Clothing: The tournament will be played in white clothing or other colored uniform except the color of the ball which is red. Only rubber shoes are allowed during the match. (No spiked shoes).
Arrival and departure: Teams should organize to arrive in Corfu on Sunday 08/05/2016 and departure on 15/05/2016. H.C.F.’s coaches will transport teams from the airport to the hotel. Transfer time is about 30-45 minutes respectively. Flight details to be sent to the Tournament organizer at by 15/2/2016 latest.
Accommodation: All schools/teams will be accommodated at the MESSONGHI BEACH HOTEL. Accommodation is been booked on a bed, breakfast and dinner basis. Hotel rooming list to be sent to the Tournament Organizer at by 31/03/2016 latest.
Hotel details
Web: www.messonghibeach.gr
Meals: Breakfast and dinner is provided in the hotel. It is essential that all schools/teams inform the Tournament Organiser at of any special dietary requirements by 31/3/2016 latest.
Team officials and participants: Team officials will be fully responsible for the discipline of their team members during the event and period of stay. Participants are advised to ensure the safety of their belongings at all times.
Tournament Umpires and scorers: Every team is required to provide one umpire (with umpiring diploma if it is possible or cricketing experience) and one scorer (in a good level) who will participate to all the matches of the tournament. These two should be notified in the application form.
Manager and umpires meeting: There will be a meeting of team officials chaired by the Tournament Director, on the evening before the first day of the tournament. During the tournament team officials will have to attend meetings, whenever required.
Medical facilities: Medical boxes will be available at all venues. In case of an emergency there will be full cover from the National Centre of Urgent Needs.
Opening ceremony: Will take place on Sunday afternoon (18.00) at Espianada square ground. All team members must attend the ceremony. Teams should be uniform dressed (with their playing clothes) and the officials must wear tie. Schools or teams should bring with them a flag of their school and their country flag (mandatory).
Gala dinner dress code: Teams may wear team evenly shirts and trousers or blue jeans (or other uniform appearance) and the officials must wear tie. The event must be attended by all school groups.
Photo shooting: There will be a photo shooting of all the participants of the tournament. The date and time will be set according on match schedule. Teams should be uniform dressed (with their playing clothes) and the officials must wear tie.
Practise: Practice can be arranged at the Messonghi ground. Practice requirements to be sent to the Tournament Organiser at at least one (1) month before the start of the Tournament.
- Το the winning team will be given cup and medals.
- To the 2nd and 3rd team will be given plaque and medals.
- Player of the Tournament
- Spirit of cricket team
In all participant teams will be given diplomas.
Weather: The weather in Corfu during May is good and well suited to the playing conditions. The average temperature will be around 20-25 degrees.
Finance: Participating schools/teams must make the first deposit by 31/01/2016. Final payment to be made by 1/04/2016.
Bank: ALPHA Bank
Account Name: Hellenic Cricket Federation
Account #: 680002002017096
IBAN: GR39 0140 6800 6800 0200 2017 096
Name: Athina Altani
Assistant: Elena Stefopoulou
Tel/Fax.: 00302661036560
Mobile: +306949201823
Name : Stylianos Goustis
Assistant: Elena Stefopoulou
Tel/Fax: 00302661036560
Mobile : 00306948948072
Please feel free to contact us with any queries you may have.